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A New Season

Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth. Psalm 8: 9 NIV ​​

What started out as an ordinary brisk October afternoon became anything but. Grabbing my windbreaker, clutching my car keys, and with a bounce in my step, I lifted my face to the sun looking forward to the rest of the day. Noting I had plenty of time to make my way up the hill to greet the school bus, I glanced over my left shoulder and did a double take. Stunned, I paused in my tracks, struck by the brilliant autumn colors that seemed to pop out of nowhere.

Adorning the tops of the trees dotting my path, it was as though the vibrant hues of fall had transformed the luscious green leaves to a warm, brilliant orange, seemingly overnight.

Had I been so wrapped up in getting to each sticky note reminder littering my desk, and switching out the season’s clothes, that I neglected to fully embrace the magnificence of the fall splendor right in my own backyard?

I couldn’t help but tap the breaks, as God had, once again, captured my attention with the beauty of his Creation.

It was in that split second that I was reminded of all that is, all that was, and all that ever will be is a gift to be celebrated.

As I stood outside my car admiring what I can so easily take for granted, I remembered how focusing on God's powerful presence in nature, calms my soul. Stopping to breathe in the fresh air, naming all that is good, and releasing the tensions of the day can be one of the most powerful actions I take to remember who walks with me, guides me, and anchors my very being.

Maybe you’re a bit like me and sometimes get overly focused on the day to day details of tomorrow, instead of pausing to center yourself to be in the moment today.

Over the years, I am learning that slowing down, instead of operating on autopilot, is crucial. Time is something I can not get back. Here, I am reminded that God’s got this, and together, so do I, and it is only with him that I can accomplish great things.

God’s glorious masterpieces deserve to be noticed and praised every chance we get.

As you and I watch the leaves turn from green to breathtaking yellows, bright orange, and reds in these cooler days ahead, I am reminded that as fall gives way to winter, so too is a divine process unfolding within each and every one of us.

Viewing life through the lens of faith allows the Holy Spirit to guide our thinking. But for this to happen you and I first must surrender to God. Knowing one can never surrender enough, we pause in praise for each breathtaking canvas, created by the One who rules our soul.

As faith first women we must liken the seasonal transformation to the transformation of our minds to put into action the love Jesus has placed in our hearts.

Paul urges you and I to view life through God’s perspective. To “set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”(Colossians 3: 2).

In the days ahead, as we look forward to the simple pleasures of apple picking, a cup of hot pumpkin spice, or maybe some football, and the crunch of leaves beneath our feet, may we as sisters in Christ be open to the beauty around us, overflowing with the gift of the Holy Spirit, praising the Lord’s majestic name.

For He alone makes all the difference in a life well lived.

“By prayer and petition, with thanksgiving may we present our requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Until next time, may the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.

Love and Blessings. Share with me how God got your attention at I’d love to hear from you!

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Author of Nourish Your Soul: 7 Secrets for Women Seeking Peace This message is sent from Faith First Women. You may view our Privacy Policy here. For questions or inquiries please email


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