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A Time for Everything

There is a time for everything, and a season for every

activity under the heavens

Ecclesiastes 3: 1

Do you have a favorite time of year?

As a small-town girl, my life’s journey and perception of time has somewhat revolved around the changing of the four seasons. Although I love the beauty, joy, and anticipation that marks each unique part of the calendar year, I must admit that summer is my most treasured time of all.

Maybe it’s the reward of a break from school after all that hard work as a student, and years later as a teacher. Maybe it’s the reminiscing back to the time when my parents loaded my siblings, me, and Laddie, the family dog, into the station wagon to venture two states away into Vacationland for a little fun in the sun. But the fact that my loving husband and I also took our own two children to the beach year after year may suggest a little something more than that. Building sand castles, collecting sea glass, boogie boarding, chuckling after getting caught in the rain and had to scurry for cover, and posing yet again for a picture in front of Nubble Lighthouse are all events that were much more than Kodak moments.

I now believe life is a string of experiences as well as divine encounters woven together to create a unique tapestry of one’s life. I would not miss the simple pleasures for the world! Reflecting back, I realize for me, the sensory experience of our children laughing, splashing, and chasing each other with seaweed were much more than good, old fashioned family fun. Digging our toes in the sand, walking with our face to the wind, and breathing in the salty air became a part of who I am today.

Witnessing the crashing of the waves and the intimacy shared with those I love in the open air allowed me to connect to my Master’s Creation. It struck me how God’s blue sky next to the astronomical sea has always resonated with my soul, even to this day. The tranquility and the quietude calm my inner being. I find the ebb and flow of the sea helps me relax as I seek peace from the outside-in.

Clarity from divine wisdom speaks to me in the salty ocean breeze. The liberating restfulness speaks to my authentic self. As an adult, a walk on the beach allows me to melt into the unconditional love and acceptance of our omniscient God, who tells me everything is and will be okay. Maybe someday, my children and grandchildren will have that same feeling, too.

In gratitude we pray.

Loving God,

Thank you for the gift of time and my ability to look back upon my life to seek out patterns that have helped me grow in your love. Guide me this day inward so that I may see your face clearly, and trust that I am held in the palm of your hand. As I navigate to fulfill my life’s purpose, no matter what season of life I find myself in, help me to look with my heart. Open my eyes to see, so I may treasure your beauty of Creation. Show me ways to really look at the miracle of those I love and hold dear. Teach me how to linger with you: to “be still and know that you are God” (Psalm 46: 10).


Until next time…

May the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.

With love and blessings...


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Author of Nourish Your Soul: 7 Secrets for Women Seeking Peace

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