Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in me.
John 14: 1
Every now and then certain words speak power into our lives, and can shift our perspective for decades to come.
As a young mom I remember sitting in a liturgy meeting, and leaning forward to listen as a seasoned member shared from her heart.
Doing her best not to shed a tear she concluded, “Through it all, I’ve learned that whenever something difficult happens all I need to do is wait three days, and God will take care of the rest.”
Swallowing hard, I could only grasp so much. Years later I have begun to unwrap the wealth of wisdom behind this Truth, and what a difference it makes to rely on God’s faithfulness.
The question becomes, are you and I willing to let go and let God lead the way?
Having just celebrated the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord, you and I have witnessed first hand Jesus’ obedience to the Father, and God’s magnificent plan that followed.
Though exhausted, Jesus pursued the long grueling journey to Calvary by relying on the power of his Father and not his own. Greeted with open arms to only later spread his wide to be nailed as a criminal to a tree, this selfless act of love was made visible for all to see.
Offering grace upon grace, Jesus’ actions and words prepare seekers and followers alike how to live out the gospel message.
This dark day in “His story” reveals the greatest miracle of all. Jesus took our sins to the cross, so that the sting of death could bring forth God’s glorious Light. Extreme grief and sadness turned into dancing. Our beloved Savior conquered the grave.
Eternal hope and joy were born that first Easter Sunday.
My friend, as we hold tight to God’s Promises, it is my prayer that God’s faithfulness will refresh your Spirit.
Let’s pray.
Heavenly Father,
I thank you for the gift of your Son who bore my sin and pain, so I may live on in your love.
May the joy of the Risen Lord fill my heart with gratitude, and guide me to internalize the magnitude of your faithfulness.
As I pause throughout the day to be with you, Lord, please remind me again and again that I am never alone. Like the disciples, I have foolishly worried, and relied on my own humanity to make things right. Forgive me Jesus, for it is you I seek. You alone are the King of my life.
The Gospel of John 14: 1 reminds me, Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.
Lord, I want to choose faith over fear, and give you my complete trust. May your goodness renew my soul, as I wait in your presence.
Thank you, Lord, for preparing the path before me. I love you, sweet Jesus.
Until next time…
May the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.
With love and Easter joy.
For greater reflection journal and contemplate what it would be like to reframe your thinking by integrating words such as those below into your life.
“Through it all, I’ve learned that whenever something difficult happens all I need to do is wait three days, and God will take care of the rest.”
What comes to mind? How could you wait as you pray? How might you trust God to come through for you? What would complete surrender look and feel like?
Continue the conversation by email, and submit prayer requests and praises to sue@faithfirstwomen.com I will happily get back to you.
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Sue Dick, Author of Nourish Your Soul: 7 Secrets for Women Seeking Peace
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