“The path of the righteous is like the morning sun,
shining even brighter till the full light of day.”
Proverbs 4: 18
Have you ever been on a quest for that perfect pumpkin? You know the kind- not too big, not too small, but just right?
Having anticipated this adventure for days, our fun-loving grands nearly knocked us over to share their news. Grinning and growling with excitement, one red furry monster pounced out from behind the couch, while his four year old brother's eyes lit up as he jumped up and down about to burst. Beaming from around the corner was their big sister waiting for a reaction, as the youngest unveiled three friendly jack-o’-lanterns adorning the dining room table.
As unique as each grandchild, their varied choices and designs were a perfect match.
Somehow finding joy and the goodness in each moment comes so easily for God’s innocent ones. They instinctively seem to know that capturing the NOW is the most important place to be.
Maybe that’s why I have savored being surrounded by children all these years. Authentic and open to every new opportunity, children are always eager to share and shine for others.
Proverbs 4: 18 tells us, “the path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.”
Reflecting the divine presence within, Jesus’ light flows through our entire being.
Imagine rising each morning in gratitude and praise, and gazing at each ray of sunlight gleaming through your window. Envision yourself radiating divine light as it shines in and through you, empowering you to “imitate God” (Ephesians 5: 1).
You grab hold of the ‘Son’s beam,’ and remember Christ’s ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Grace upon grace. He chose you!
Despite whatever you’ve been up against, you know Jesus’ light, peace, and promises can cast out all darkness.
Paul reminds us, “For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord” (Ephesians 5: 8).
When connected to the vine you are cleansed, rinsed, and restored. All past seeds of disobedience, self-centeredness, pride, and greed are scooped out, and overtime an inner transformation occurs.
My friend, He put His Light inside you, “to live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is good, right, and true” (Ephesians 5: 8-9).
Together, let’s pray.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for helping me see the world through the eyes of a child, and for reminding me that no matter where I am, that you are right there with me. Guide me to grow in knowledge of your Scripture promises to become more and more like you. Guide me to bring your light to those I meet each day. I ask this in your holy name. Amen.
Until next time…
May the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.
Have a blessed week!
Sending light and love...
For deeper reflection keep a gratitude list of when and where others were a shining light to you, and how you blessed others by bringing the light of Christ to them.
As always, to continue today’s conversation, and to send your prayer requests email me at sue@faithfirstwomen.com I’d love to hear from you!
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Author of Nourish Your Soul: 7 Secrets for Women Seeking Peace
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