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Following the Ancient Paths

“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths,

ask where the good way is, and walk in it,

and you will find rest for your souls.”

Jeremiah 6: 16 (NIV)

This past Sunday I heard today’s verse in a powerful sermon, and it brought to mind those times when you and I can become frazzled, and feel at a loss for words.

Sometimes we just don’t know which way to turn. Whether it’s something serious requiring action, a change in plans, or someone’s unexpected comment, you and I can be caught off guard, and pretty much feel our enthusiasm and energy sapped right out of us–if we let it.

When something like this happens, in the Book of Jeremiah 6: 16 the Lord instructs us to, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Following God’s ancient paths you and I can begin to understand what looking up to the Father, asking for eternal Wisdom, and being obedient to his tried and true ways mean.

Visualizing standing at a fork in a road, you and I can contemplate our course of action. In our heart of hearts you and I want nothing more than to please God and follow his commands.

But sometimes stubbornness takes over, and we end up ranting, raving, and spiraling off course, making things a whole lot worse.

Insisting that we can handle things alone- even without our Father, who loves us more than we could ever comprehend, we refuse to walk in faith, and stumble off track down the path of despair.

Determining one’s next step along ancient paths may not always be our first choice. Afterall, following the tried and true path of obedience and repentance, and doing it God’s way requires authenticity, honesty, and a commitment to submitting to the will of the Father.

However, when we are ready to let go of the past, and trust the future to the One who knows best, we are slowly transformed into the daughters God has called us to be.

I’m at a point where I need rest for my soul. Looking up, reaching for the Father’s hand, and hanging in instead of opting out, I am ready to discover all there is along the ancient pathways of peace.

Knowing God is a Waymaker who will lead me in paths of righteousness and holiness I want to “enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7: 14).

Won’t you join me? Come now, my sister, let us walk through the narrow gate along the ancient paths together, and live like we never have before.

Let’s pray.

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for meeting me along your eternal pathway of peace. Help me repent of my sins, and follow the Gospel message to grow in your Wisdom, and find rest for my soul. I praise you, and thank you in your holy name.


Until next time…

May the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.

I thank God for you, dear friend!

Have a glorious day!

With love and blessings.

For deeper reflection listen to the song, “Weary Traveler,” by Jordan St. Cyr on You Tube, and ponder the lyrics.


Exciting News!

My new book, Reflect, Recharge, & Reclaim Your Life: 10 Keys for Women to Deepen Their Faith Through Prayer is now available at

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Author of Nourish Your Soul: 7 Secrets for Women Seeking Peace

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