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Gifts That Last A Lifetime

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.”

1 John 4: 9

Growing up, I couldn’t wait until the day before Christmas. With great anticipation my eyes would be glued to the picture window. My godmother would only have to ring the front doorbell for me to feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude, and joy as she glided across the threshold, for our yearly celebration.

Beautiful on the inside and out, Barbara’s undivided attention, inquisitive nature, and smile would light up the room the moment she walked in. Showering my siblings and I with carefully chosen gifts, she had a way of making everyone feel special.

Between pivotal events, Barbara’s notes and postcards of her travels, kept our relationship strong, and created in me a desire to see the world. Full of the Holy Spirit, she taught me to embrace life, put God first, and that it’s the little things that make a big difference.

The spark of Barbara’s faithful presence, and later the cards, conversations, and visits across the miles showed me that “being present” for one another is one of the greatest gifts of all.

Stepping out to listen and share from a divine perspective, Barbara was one of those special people who inspired me to unwrap my gift of faith. Without a doubt she followed the Light of the World, born that first Christmas night, (Luke 2: 8-20) and wanted others to know him, too.

My sweet friend, this Christmas, wherever you are on your spiritual journey, know that unpacking your Bible, taking time to dwell in prayer, and sharing the Good News with others is the one and only gift that lasts a lifetime.

As faith first women may we always make room to be in his ‘holy presence,’ to be ‘present’ in order to bring others “The Greatest Gift of All.”

This Christmas I pray that you and I may “grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge–that we may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3: 18-19).

Although Barbara is no longer with us, her legacy of faith and love lives on. Each Christmas Eve as I gaze out the window at new fallen snow, I can’t help but thank God for placing her in my life so many years ago.

Together, let’s pray.

Heavenly Father,

I come to praise you and thank you for the gift of your holy presence in my life. I thank you for every single person you have placed in my path to help guide me to you.

I ask that you guard my heart from the busyness around me as I prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Nourish my soul so that I may “be still,” and seek rest in your divine presence.

Fill my cup, so that I may be present to listen, and to live in and through you. Show me ways to share my gift of faith, and to help penetrate your Light through the darkness.

Thank you for guiding me to help others experience the hope, joy, and salvation that only Jesus can bring. For the birth of our Savior will always be “The Greatest Gift of All.”


My sweet sister, may God bless you abundantly as you reflect his love for others.

Until next time…

May the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.

With love and Christmas blessings...

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