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Kingdom Bound

“Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; 

We are all the work of your hand.”

Isaiah 64: 8

My mom loved Thanksgiving. She’d be bustling around the kitchen while the four of us kids sprawled out on the living room floor. Mesmerized by balloon characters, marching bands, and fancy floats, our favorite part was the parade’s grand finale. The moment Santa came into view, we’d yell for mom to join us. 

As if on cue, my father would drop his paper, the doorbell would sound, and our eyes would grow big as saucers. Ushering Grandpa Hastings and Grammy Gert in with her homemade squash, apple, and mincemeat pies, we’d begin to drool with excitement. For me, this once a year treat was the best part. Impressionable as I was, I vowed right then and there to bake my own pies when I was old enough to host holiday meals of my own. 

Today as I give a glance to Betty Crocker’s flour laden recipe, I am ever so grateful for celebrations of love and laughter shared between these walls. Although those who gather have changed, and some years were riddled with more sorrow, and disappointment than others, I am comforted with a sense of peace knowing that through it all, I have never been alone.

As I gather the dough into a ball, knead it, shape it, and roll it out to just the right size, I know that God is with me. Wheeling the rolling pin back and forth, I experience a sense of calm, contentment, and tranquility. I am not the same person I once was.  

Thankful that God knows me better than I know myself, I handle the dough with care. As I ease the crust into position, I am grateful for the grace I’ve been shown, and realize that all along He’s been shaping me for his kingdom.

Yes, my beautiful friend. You and I are kingdom bound.

Like Isaiah, you and I are called to put our faith in God. 

“Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand”  (Isaiah 64: 8).

Marred as we are, the Potter’s perfect hands are there to mold us (Jeremiah 18: 4), and hold us. All we have to do is let him.

God’s design is better than you and I could ever imagine. We have so much to praise him for!

Charles Stanley once said, “Gratitude produces deep, abiding joy because we know God is working in us, even through difficulties.” 

My dear friend, as I roll out pie crust this Thanksgiving, please know I am grateful that we are on this journey together. I pray that in this season of gratitude, that no matter how your day is going, that you will “let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body, you are called to peace. And be thankful” (Colossians 3: 15). 

Until next time…

May the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.

Sending love and gratitude.

This week’s Question for Reflection is taken from page 29 in “The Power of Reflection: A Signature Belief Journal” found with my other work on Amazon.

Journal Prompt:

You are God’s beloved. How are the Master Potter’s hands shaping you into Christ’s image? How will you use your challenges for the good of his kingdom?

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