Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father
of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1: 17
I hope this note finds you well, and that you’ve been able to take time out for yourself to discover a little slice of Heaven each day.
As my mother used to say, “It’s always something.” Whether it’s inner pain, or an outward struggle, sometimes childlike faith can put our hearts at rest, and bring us back to where we belong.
I remember lying on the grass as a child, and looking up at the vast, beautiful sky, wondering how it got to be so blue. I was in the moment, feeling as though I had all the time in the world. Lifting my eyes towards the heavens, I allowed my mind to wander.
My love of reading had taught me that my imagination could take me anywhere. Feeling the sun shining upon my face, and the warm breeze brushing against my freckled cheeks, I would dream of far away places, and envision all sorts of adventures and scenarios. Out in the open air, away from all judgments and expectations from well meaning family members and friends, I felt free. As I took in the faces of the clouds rolling by I could create any story, become any character, and accomplish whatever my young and vulnerable heart desired.
Relaxing on this holy ground beside the towering maple tree outside my childhood home, I experienced the feeling of inner calm, and even then, sensed that all I would ever need was right there with me. I would visit this special space often, just to breathe in the peace and quiet. Sometimes I would bring a book, or pencil and paper to doodle, but regardless of what I had with me, I would always return inside refreshed and feeling better than before.
Years later I find myself yearning to create more tranquil moments such as these.
Have you too, ever wanted to break away from the confusions of the world to capture that inner calm?
Today, I realize that it takes a little bit more than a sprinkling of fairy dust, the waving of a magic wand, or my head in the clouds to make things happen, but after experiencing the magnetic allure of Creation, in those undisturbed moments with the birds of the air of my youth, I hold tight to this same truth today, “Everything is possible for one who believes” (Mark 9: 23).
I had scratched the surface at a young age that something special happens alone in one’s quiet space. And you know what? Even today, there is no place I would rather be than in this same state of being, in the holy presence with my Maker. Whether it’s out in the world struck by the wondrous landscape my Master has painted for you and me to enjoy, or tucked into a cozy corner chair looking out the window, alone in a room, when I breathe in the goodness of God, my thirst for unconditional acceptance, grace, and love is quenched by the One who knows me best.
It’s taken me a little while, but what I know for sure is wherever you find yourself right now, at this very moment, God’s deepest desire is to have a relationship with every woman reading these words. Maybe you’re a bit like me and for way too long have let the distractions of the world steer you away from what truly matters most. The good news is God is faithful. He is a God of hope, and compassion. He has been patiently waiting for you all along.
Come now, my sister, bring your wide-eyed childlike faith, scoot over in your favorite spot, and open your heart to make room for Jesus. You will emerge stronger than ever before.
In gratitude, let’s pray.
O Faithful Jesus,
Yes, Lord, yes! You’ve been waiting for me to come around again and I am finally ready! Thank you for patiently waiting to show me your ways.
My Spirit has been thirsting for more, and I am admitting that I need you, and I want you. I want you more than anything in my life. I am seeking forgiveness. I have messed up, and I’m tired of trying to do it all on my own. I desperately need to break away from the demands others place on me, but most of all, I must escape those demands which I have placed upon myself.
The prophet Jeremiah tells me you, “will refresh the weary, and satisfy the faint” (31: 25). I hate to admit it, Lord, but that’s me.
Help me set aside time for you each and every day. For I have heard that when “I draw near to you, Lord, you will draw near to me” (James 4:8).
I am ready. I have scooched over, and kneel before you with an open heart.
In the silence of my being, I hear you tenderly calling my name saying, “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11: 28-30).
Thank you, Jesus, I accept your invitation, Lord, to “Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are my God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long” (Psalm 25: 5).
Thank you, sweet friend, for being such a special part of the Faith First Women Family.
Until next time…
May the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.
Have a lovely day!
With love and blessings...
For further reflection, think back to your childhood and describe in your journal your favorite spot to relax, to be alone, and to dream your biggest dreams. Then think about what you can do now as an adult to create moments of solitude to reframe your thinking. What do you think would be helpful to deepen your spiritual growth at this point in your life?
This reflection has been taken from my new book, Reflect, Recharge, & Reclaim Your Life: 10 Keys for Women to Deepen Their Faith Through Prayer. To find out more about this book click https://amzn.to/3OULiZN
For details about joining the book’s launch team email me at sue@faithfirstwomen.com
As always reach out to continue today’s conversation, and email your prayer requests to sue@faithfirstwomen.com
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Author of Nourish Your Soul: 7 Secrets for Women Seeking Peace
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