He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.
Psalm 91: 2
Earlier today there was a tornado watch announced for part of New England, so erring on the side of caution I decided to alter my plans. Although the storm veered off into a different region, anytime I even hear the word tornado, images of severe devastation and unexpected loss come to mind.
But then, I am reminded of a bewildered eight year old child.
I was in third grade, and attending a school in Florida. Dressed in ankle socks, “Peter Pan'' collar shirt, jumper, and black patent leather shoes instead of the usual sweater, corduroys, wet snow pants, and boots as I typically wore to recess that time of year, I was the new kid in town. Simply trying to make sense of my new surroundings, I followed my teacher’s instructions as she blew the whistle to get all her ducklings in a row.
As she ushered us inside, my classmates and I were asked to sit underneath our desks, so she could read to us. I took my peculiar spot without question, and listened intently on the cool tiled floor as she entertained us for what seemed like an exorbitant length of time.
I had no idea until my nervous looking, and probably just relieved mother picked me up from school, what a tornado even was. Maneuvering around the debris on our ride home, I was informed that a few dishes had broken, and a palm tree had landed on our roof. This all seemed quite absurd to me, but now I realize that must have been plenty to put any mother of four, especially with three little ones underfoot, into a bit of a frenzy.
As for me, I was clueless. I had listened, and remained calm throughout the storm. Taking refuge as directed, I was neither fearful or afraid. Young, unsuspecting, and naive, I didn’t know any better, but I knew in my heart of hearts that I could trust my teacher.
Reading the storm tracker on my phone I thought about what unconditional trust looks like. I wish today that I could tell you that I am a completely trusting person. And, quite frankly in today’s troublesome world, I am glad that I am not, but that doesn’t mean you or I haven’t learned many life lessons the hard way. If you are reading this, you have probably been around long enough to know that all kinds of destruction can sweep you and I off course in a heartbeat. If we let them.
Emotions swirl, and unexpected chaos erupts out of nowhere. Words become twisted in the news or in the whirlwind of our lives, and suddenly we feel like we must start defending ourselves. But this my friend, is when you and I need to stop.
To pause. To pray. To include God, who always knows best, in the conversation.
But sometimes tuning out instead of tuning in is an obstacle. Less naive than that young school girl you and I once were, we often set up our own barriers of protection instead of looking at, and listening to our Protector. Our survival instincts kick in. We sometimes can feel swept away by the storms of circumstance, even when our storm has shifted the other way.
Caught up in the debris of humanity, getting out of our own way, is the first step to discover comfort and peace.
Psalm 91 reminds us God is the comfort in every storm. Abiding in his love, confidence grows as our refuge is discovered in his outstretched arms.
The anonymous author knows firsthand, Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91: 1), and that praising God in, and through the darkness was key.
The Wisdom found in Psalm 91 speaks of your Lord’s redemptive nature. The blood He shed for victory won on the cross is for all who make Christ Jesus their King. He and He alone is your refuge. His encouragement, his peace, his sacrificial love is freely offered to you. To me. To all who come before him.
Akin to the comfort and security I felt under my desk, my teacher’s soothing voice allowed me to witness a sense of calm in the turbulence. There is no doubt in my mind that I felt cared for, secure, and confident that I was loved, and had nothing to fear. For that memory brings forth not just the weather in Florida that day, but the warmth of the Master Teacher, who brought the Holy Spirit into that space.
Come now, my sister let us become like little children, and trust in the protective shield of God.
Let’s pray.
O Loving Father,
Thank you for taking me under your wings. For you are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust (Psalm 91: 2, 4).
Your holy Word tells me if I say, The Lord is my refuge, and I make the Most High my dwelling, no harm will overtake me, no disaster will come near my tent. For he will command his angels concerning me to guard me in all your ways (Psalm 91: 9-11).
Heavenly Father, I thank you. Please help me entrust my days to you. Guide me to call upon you, and listen to you the first time. For your ways are higher than my ways, and your promises teach me to dwell and find rest in you and you alone.
Thank you for loving me, protecting me, rescuing me, calling on me, and being with me when I am in trouble (Psalm 91: 14-15).
For with you I have it all.
Until next time…
May the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.
Have a beautiful week, my friend. I thank God for you!
With love and blessings...
To go deeper pray Psalm 91 this week, and meditate on the song, “On Eagle’s Wings,” sung by Michael W. Smith and other artists on YouTube.
Please let me know how I can pray for you, and share how finding shelter in God is helping you discover trust by emailing sue@faithfirstwomen.com
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Author of Nourish Your Soul: 7 Secrets for Women Seeking Peace
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