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The Gift of Friendship

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Proverbs 27: 17

Having moved so often, it seemed as though just as my roots were beginning to take hold, I had to dig them back up again.

Then, I realized that “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” The Unknown poet’s insight knew the value of leaning in and letting go and the profound impact you and I have on each other’s lives.

I was blessed by those who flew in like angels to support me in my time of need but vanished from my side in the blink of an eye. Also, those special women who emerged but lingered, coming to sit a spell, openly visiting, and laughing until our ribs hurt, have all refreshed my Spirit. 

As I look back with gratitude, I believe that these encounters were, and still are, divinely orchestrated. God made us to be in community; to have friends to point us to Him. 

Thomas Acquinas once said, “There is nothing on this earth more prized than true friendship.” 

If you’re like me, you may agree that this kind of friend is a lifetime friend who is faithful and loves us for who we are, brokenness, and all. The best of friends journey with us, accepting our authentic selves as they mold and guide us, emulating the fruits of the Spirit as we grow in our walks with the Lord.

Choosing friends wisely allows us to guard our hearts and minds and ‘do life’ with those who will help us grow in faith. 

King Solomon’s advice, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another,” (Proverbs 27: 17) takes on new meaning when someone you trust lovingly provides clarity, and counsels you by shining Light on what new steps you might need to take. 

Faithful lifelong friends pray for one another, know the value of listening and sitting in silence, and aren’t afraid of not having the right words to respond. 

Today, I give thanks for my ‘besties,’ for the people God has placed in my life, and for those I have yet to meet. I also give thanks to you, the Faith First Women who bring encouragement and Light to me, and to the countless others you meet each day.

Let’s pray.

Heavenly Father, 

I ask that you send the person reading these words ‘friends to do life with,” someone who will allow them to be their unique and beautiful selves, open to grow, and learn from those you place in their path. I pray that you will help them seek fellowship in a vibrant faith community where they will meet sisters in Christ who will uplift, and support them as they discern and face life challenges. I pray that their time in the Word will move them to experience a deep relationship with you, God, whose Wisdom will help them heal from the past, have gratitude in the moment, and keep their eyes on eternity.

In Jesus’ name I pray.


My friend, thank you for being here.

Until next time…

May the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.

With love and prayers.

Questions for Reflection

  • In what ways have others ministered to you for a reason or for a season? 

  • How is God using you at this time?

  • Reflect on how God is speaking to you through Proverbs 27: 17: “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

🙏 An Invitation to Join Our Power of Reflection Prayer Circle 🙏

If you or someone you know is interested in starting your week with others in faith, reflection, and prayer, please consider joining our Prayer Circles on Mondays from 9:30-10:00 a.m. We unite virtually to lift one another in prayer, reflect on Scripture, share intentions, and support one another along our spiritual journeys. Email me for details. We’d love to have you.

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