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Unforgettable Moments

Give ear and come to me; listen that you may live.

I will make an everlasting covenant with you.

Isaiah 55: 3

I will never forget that first Christmas Eve in our new home. With great care, I was getting ready for the Christmas Eve Vigil at our new church. Smiling to myself, I felt right on schedule. Noticing the fresh pine scent in the air along with the aroma of freshly baked holiday cookies, I unplugged the hairdryer and started humming “Silent Night.” It was then that I realized that our house was becoming anything but silent.

Somehow I had forgotten the warning of the torrential rainstorm; and the cold, pelting rain sounded dangerously close. Dashing from the bedroom into the living room, I stared in disbelief as it was raining cats and dogs behind our decorated tree. Talk about springing into action!

I don’t know about you, but over the years, situations like this have taught me to expect the unexpected. Unanticipated and unforeseen things seem to happen fairly often, and there are certain life storms, sounds, and scenarios I will never forget.

Are there any sounds that make you cringe? Maybe you remember the sound of the fire alarm for those mandatory fire drills at school? Your teacher’s fingernails scraping against the chalkboard? Or on a more serious note, hearing the doctor’s diagnosis that you had been dreading for weeks?

Although certain feelings and unsettling noises, images, and conversations tend to stay with us for a lifetime, other more calming sounds and peak experiences do so as well.

A few of my favorite sounds from nature include ocean waves crashing against a rugged seashore, the gurgling and babbling of a brook, birds chirping, and indoors, the happy roar of the crowd clapping and cheering for my son scoring during his high school basketball games.

And although I like the sound of a crackling campfire and the crunch of leaves beneath my feet on a crisp autumn day, there are distant voices that make my heart ring out with joy. My husband announcing that he is home, my children–and now my grandchildren–laughing, playing, and even squabbling, do indeed warm my heart the most. Their voices I will always treasure.

I also consider myself blessed to have ongoing irreplaceable moments with Jesus. He always brings me where I need to be. Psalm 29: 11 reads, “The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.”

This passage is near and dear to me, and I will tell you why.

Growing spiritually strong helps me listen with my heart. Sometimes there is so much coming at me from the outside, that looking inside to my Helper is often my last resort. However, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Seeking the voice of my Maker, if I listen deeply enough, I can feel the blanket of tranquility when I need it most.

Whether it’s raining cats and dogs in my living room or when I am trying to make a point in the middle of an important meeting and the flow is interrupted, I have a choice. I can reflect or react. I now know that I can always trust that my Redeemer will give me the right words at the right time to show me the way.*

God’s gift of Jesus is the greatest gift of all.

As we prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth I am mindful and ever so grateful that God “sent his one and only Son into the world that we may live through him” (1 John 4: 9).

As I count my blessings this Christmas, I thank God for the gift of you!

As sisters in Christ, we’ve been there for each other. I am humbled, and so very thankful for your love, unwavering encouragement, and support.

Allowing me to walk, in the light of faith, and pray with you, is a tremendous joy and privilege, and something I do not take for granted.

My heartfelt gift of appreciation is attached. Simply download it below. It is my hope that this list of powerful Promises will uplift and inspire you in the days ahead.

Wishing you great joy and hope as you dwell in the miracle of Christ’s birth!

Until next time…

May the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.

Love and blessings.

Please know I will be praying for you and your family on Christmas Day. Please send your specific prayer requests to

*This blog features an excerpt from my book, Nourish Your Soul: 7 Secrets for Women Seeking Peace available on Amazon.

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Author of Nourish Your Soul: 7 Secrets for Women Seeking Peace

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