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Who is that?

"So God created mankind in his own image."

Genesis 1: 27

When my two children and grandchildren were babies, I used to go on a walking tour of our home, snuggling them close to my chest in hopes of settling them down when they became fussy. We’d stop at all of the cherished family photographs, look out the windows and such, but their favorite spot to pause was in front of a large bedroom mirror. They would ooh, coo, smile, and drool away as they kicked their little feet, ecstatic to see their own reflection.

Sometimes, I would sing to my little ones as they became hypnotized by the image holding their attention: “Look in the mirror, and what do you see, a beautiful baby smiling at me,” and, naturally, other verses created on the spot to suit the mood. As each month passed, my precious babes would awaken from their naps, lift their heads to smile, and even giggle, as we carried on conversations with great delight at their own exact likeness, staring right back at them in any given mirror. What a joy to watch!

That brought me to wonder when the magic of the looking glass changed for me. Was it in high school with the first blemish on my face? In my twenties when I saw my inadequacies and unworthiness? In my thirties when a gray hair or two popped up? In my fifties when the wrinkles started to creep in? Raised in the Catholic tradition and now having participated in many wonderful Bible-based church services, I knew God loved me. I knew He created me.

Why wasn’t it tattooed on my brain that I was unique and wonderfully made? Why had I bought into the cultural obsession that thin is best? That I needed to fit in on the outside for peers to like me, boys to date me, and employees to hire me? At a young age, I sensed that something was wrong with this picture.

In my adult years when I sought spiritual direction, the first session entailed reading and meditating on Psalm 139. Little did I know that would have a lasting impact on who I am today. I had certainly wished I had read it during awkward growing pains as a redheaded, freckled faced kid who lacked confidence and strived to thrive as I tried to fake it until I made it, as they say. Maybe I’m slow, but it wasn’t until years later that I figured out God takes your mess and turns it into your message. I didn’t have to be consumed with the face in the mirror. It wasn’t how God saw me at all. If I really surrendered to Jesus, He would lovingly and freely give me a spiritual makeover. What a relief that would be all I would ever need.

For it is in this Psalm that I began to realize how amazing we really are, all because of our awesome Creator. Verses 14-17 reads: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was hidden from you when I was made in a secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God!” (Psalm 139: 14-17).

Created in God’s image and likeness, He is in control. He has a plan for my life. Looking with my heart, I seek divine wisdom. I can ask questions to find clarity. These truths are revealed in the depths of my soul.

Isaiah 40: 28-31 states for us: “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Discarding my own efforts, faith expands. Looking inward in quietness I breathe in the light of love and affirmations that reveal to me that I am a daughter of the Most High King. As in Scripture, a popular song by Bethel Music reminds me that I need not be chained down by fear. I am part of God’s family. I am gently nudged forward to look in the mirror and see my unique, God-given potential. I become ready to go forth to use my unique gifts and talents. I finally begin to accept who I am called to be.

Come now, my sister, Genesis 1: 27 reminds us that “God created mankind in his own image.” Internalize how beautiful and wonderful you are.

In gratitude we pray.

Awesome Creator,

How can I ever thank you for creating me in your image and likeness, “for you created my inmost being, you knit me in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 129: 13).

Although I do not feel worthy, I sing praises from the depths of my soul. “Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely” (Psalm 139: 4).

When I look in the mirror, I now see with my heart. Help me to relax in your holy presence, so that I may see your light radiating through me. May this free me and allow me to grow into the person you have called me to be. Your abundant grace fills my mind and comforts my soul. As you usher me in to hear your voice, I seek to see things like you do.

“I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name, I will lift up my hands” (Psalm 63: 4).


Until next time…

May the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.

Love and blessings...

In the days ahead reflect upon what changes you can make to see yourself as God sees you. 

To continue this conversation together, or to share praises, and prayer requests simply email me at

This reflection is taken from my book, Nourish Your Soul: 7 Secrets for Women Seeking Peace, and can be found on Amazon with Reflect, Recharge, & Reclaim Your Life: 10 Keys for Women to Deepen Their Faith Through Prayer. 

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